Erika Lily Castro

2017 RECAP

Hello my Lovelies,

I don’t know about you, but anytime I’m needing to write a date down, I have to verbally tell myself to write “2018” and not “2017”. Does it also take you a while to get adjusted to a new year? I know we’re only a few days in, but I need some time LOL.

As I was writing down everything that occurred all throughout 2017, I came to realize that the (2) main themes for 2017 were Gratitude & Experiences. Whether it was trying out a new restaurant, attending events, travel, meeting new people, creating new memories, sharing moment’s with friends/family (new and old), reflecting more positive thinking, etc. This was the year I focused on my health the most and worked out more than ever before. This was also the year in which I started a “Suit” collection because my new career entails conservative attire.

2016 was an awful year for me in so many ways, and 2017 turned out to be the complete opposite. It became more of a positive outlook, BUT with of course its few downs. It’s never easy saying Goodbye to people whether it be friends or whatnot. There is a reason why you try your best to keep them in your life because it shows that they matter to you in one form or another. However, I was reminded that any kind of relationship is a two way street. Both have to participate in order to make anything last. If it ever becomes one sided, then there isn’t much of a chance.

I try to be hopeful about people (sometimes give more chances than deserved), but of course I can come out disappointed. Loyalty, honesty, trust, and respect were Huge key factors for me during the whole year. Each moment became a lesson and a reminder that there is no need to keep anyone who isn’t willing to bring any Value into my life. I had to distance myself from those who mattered to me as I realized that some people are just not worth the effort. It made me re-evaluate who I have around me.

I want to be surrounded by authentic and genuine people who I can see their presence lasting a lifetime. Everyone will always have their ups and downs (including myself), but I really tried to change my outlook (even if I had a terrible day) into something more positive and seek nothing but good energy. Valuable friendships.

We are all human and can make mistakes. Second chances aren’t always the easiest to grant, but sometimes it has to be done. However, 2017 showed me that I needed to be more selective because there is a difference between making mistakes and those who intentionally set out to hurt you. Those who are absolutely unapologetic have no interest in your well being. If it takes so much effort to have someone apologize, then that is the queue to move on without them. It takes a lot of strength and courage to admit mistakes and more to apologize for them. People who can do these two things are considered to be admired in my book.

Overall, I would say 90% of it was all a blessing and I feel so grateful to have had such a wonderful year. I’m hoping that 2018 will bless me as such, if not even more. Thank you so much for following me and looking forward to creating more content for you all. Let’s make this a great year!

Much Love,

~ Erika














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