Erika Lily Castro

2021 New Year Resolutions: My List of Attainable Goals

Well, Christmas is officially over and currently there are a few days left of 2020. Now what? Now it’s time to create New Year Resolutions for 2021.

I was scrolling through a few of my New Year Resolutions and realized that I never created one for 2020. As to the reason, I cannot recall. It could be that I felt lazy or some deep intuition was telling me there was no need because the entire world was going to be stuck in some weird apocalyptic year. Not counting the violence and wild fires.

As much as I want to be optimistic about the new year, I’m also realistic that 2021 might be the year of healing. The entire world has been affected by 2020 in some form or another and I can’t envision us back to normal any time soon. I still wanted to create some goals for myself however big or small, whether we’re still in Covid season or not.

Brief Overview

2020 has been a stressful year. Constantly tired, exhausted and burnt out from all of the non-stop working and late nights until 1am. Due to this, I never really had anytime to take care of my mental, physical, and emotional well-being.

The months became slow for everyone, while for me it was quite the opposite. The days and weeks flew by in a flash that I didn’t get to enjoy much of it because at the end of the day all I wanted to do was nap. I’d wake up and start the same day again.

Violence and wildfires, it was too much. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d live through almost a month of smoke and smoky skies. It really made me appreciate the sun and our Earth.

There are pros and cons to working from home, which most likely I’ll create a separate post for this. Boundaries must be set, otherwise it’s difficult to disconnect. Anyone else relate?

Moving Forward

With this in mind, I sat down and thought to myself, “What do I really want out of 2021?” It’s never an easy question to answer, but despite whatever year we face, I need to have something to look forward to.

One thing I’ve learned about creating New Year’s resolutions is you have to be very specific. Don’t be vague by stating, “I want to go work out at the Gym”. It’s too generalized and at the same time you’re setting yourself up for failure. Instead, maybe stating that you’ll be going on a 30 minute walk every morning is not only specific, but attainable.

My 2021 New Year Resolutions:

  1. Read a book (once a month)
  2. Go on a 30 minute walk (5x a week)
  3. Dance for 30 minutes to an hour (3 to 5x a week)
  4. Create Spa time (every Sunday before bedtime)
  5. Create a video on my YouTube channel (minimum once a month)
  6. Schedule a video chat/hangout with friends (once a month)
  7. Create a blog post (1 to 3x a week)
  8. Try a new recipe (once a month) — check out this Oatmeal Raisin Muffins recipe!
  9. Collab with a brand (minimum once a month)
  10. Write in my gratitude journal (every morning and before bedtime)
  11. Revisit an old passion/hobby
  12. Learn something new

I hope this list provides you some inspiration to create your own 2021 New Year Resolutions, whether it’s business or personal related. Again, be honest with yourself. If 2020 taught us anything is that it’s all about the simple things and how important our health is, mentally, physically, and emotionally.

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