Erika Lily Castro

Adidas Woman: Stronger Than Ever

I had one of those days where everything seemed off and nothing was going right. It was my surprise when I checked my messages later on in the day that I was in utter shock (in a good way) that Adidas Women wanted to collaborate with me. This message was meant for someone else, I was sure of it.

Once I verified that indeed they wanted to create a partnership, I knew I had to jump on the opportunity. Ever since I was a child, Adidas in itself was a brand that quickly became my “one day”. Meaning, I would one day be able to wear their shoes or a product from their clothing line.

For many years, I was bullied throughout my childhood. In High School, it led me to make the most unhealthiest decision I’ve ever made, I starved myself. If you don’t know this, you can click here to watch my story on my Youtube Channel.

I had to find out for myself how stupid that decision was, despite that everyone around me were constantly warning me about my actions. As I look back, I can say it was a stupid decision that was made for the wrong reasons. As I’ve grown older, I have become fierce, independent and stronger than ever.

Sometimes I’ll sit and ask myself, “Would I wish for things to have occurred differently? Would I change anything throughout the course of my life thus far?” My answer, No. Despite the difficult moments, challenges, and obstacles, I wouldn’t have changed any of it.

Every moment has led me to become the person that I am now. I’ve learned to value and defend for myself, while still find a way to stay humble out of it all. I’ve also learned to let go of what doesn’t serve me and that it’s OK to feel awful about it.

We’re constantly evolving and changing. As Women, and especially as a Latina Woman, I’ve become to slowly accept myself in all of my imperfect forms. I know I’m beyond capable of achieving anything I set my mind to, but I know that it’s OK to slow down when I need to.

Let’s embrace everything that makes us whole. Through the good and the bad, we are as unique as they come. I am an Adidas Woman and much like these amazing 2.0 Tights, I am here to stay.

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