Erika Lily Castro

Love People, Not Things

What is Love? If you try to look up the definition, Google will provide you the noun definition of Love and the verb definition of Love. Urban Dictionary will go into the most deepest aspects from people’s own personal definition of what they think Love is and actually means. Merriam-Webster would also align itself with Google….noun versus verb.

I think “Love” is the only word that is often left to different perceptions and interpretations. In one form or another, I’d hope that we all have encountered Love at some point in our lives. Love can be lasting, and for others it might not be long enough. Love can be happiness, and for others it can be painful. Love can bring out the best in people, and for others it can bring about the worst in people. Love is a gift, and for others it’s a curse. Love has touched people’s lives many times, and for others it has only existed once. Love is found, and for others Love is lost.

We often hear this world needs more Kindness and Love. That there isn’t much of it and Love is the one thing that unites people together. More Love, Less Hatred.

I honestly believe there are many forms of Love, not just one. Love can be found in family, friends, or someone who has touched our life in some form. What I do know is that it’s a powerful word that is often misused and overused tremendously. The actual meaning and purpose of Love gets forgotten. I, myself, can honestly say that I have overused it for the wrong reasons.

What do I mean by overusing for the wrong reasons? I have found myself, along with others I have encountered, who have used the words “I love” to describe a likeness towards a material item instead of a person. For example, “I love your blazer” and “I love that handbag” are just a few examples.

There is something very wrong with this and I have seen it more within the Fashion & Beauty industry. As mentioned, I have been at fault and lately I just can’t stop thinking about it. I have found myself analyzing a lot of things and realizing that a lot of us end up Loving for the wrong reasons.

I can say that I have never said, “I Love You” unless I actually meant it. But to actually state that I Love a particular item is something that needs to change. At that point, the word “Love” loses it’s meaning and it’s purpose. I don’t believe that Things should be Loved, but it’s People who should be Loved. Instead of saying, “I Love” a particular item, I should be saying, “I Like” a particular item. There is a huge difference.

The thing of it is, I actually don’t Love any item. I never have. So, why do I keep saying the phrase? I am not sure….habit maybe.

More times than not, I have also seen and heard those who end up Loving a person based on their financial status, the car, the house, career, the luxurious gifts they are able to obtain by being with the person, etc. Again, Loving someone based on things. I often wonder, if money wasn’t a factor would they still choose to be with that person? Is there ever a moment where those things no longer matter?

These are examples of Loving for the wrong reasons, the moment we begin to Love an item instead of a person. When it comes down to the wire, whatever form of Love we may have experienced, we are reminded once again how strong Love really is and how impactful it can really be. We are reminded that Love has been overused so many times on items and not enough on people.

At the end of the day, we don’t die with things. We actually with the Love from those we have Loved and who have Loved us in return. We can be reminded of Love in the form of a Rose, a beautiful day, a hug, or the words from a Loved one. But Love cannot be carried in the form of an object, a material thing. Why? Because Love is priceless. Love cannot be bought, it is freely earned and it is freely given. It’s unconditional. Love can truly last if we let it and Love can be with us still whether our Loved one is around or not.

So, what does Love mean to me? Love to me means strength, happiness, pain and sorrow. Love can hit me with a simple touch or in the form of a memory.

Love is never forgotten and sometimes wish it would stay longer. Love makes my heart beat faster as if it will rip through my chest and other times it can bring tears in my eyes. Love is also being able to have the strength to let go, but yet wish one could trade places when the other is at their weakest or suffering.

Love is hoping for time to stand still so as not to let it slip through our fingers, or be able to rewind back to relive every wonderful moment. Love is experienced in a dream, but to only wake up feeling disappointed that it was so…a dream. Love can haunt us, but it can also cure us.

Love’s presence alone can be uplifting and can shine the light during the darkest times. Love is never easy and can be difficult, but when Love is found and obtained…it can be the most beautiful thing in the world. Love is a blessing and a gift that should never be taken for granted.

Love isn’t perfect, but Love is Everything.

“Where there is Love there is Life” – Mahatma Gandhi

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