Erika Lily Castro

White Casual + Gucci

Back with another outfit post for you all!

I’m super happy about this one because as you all know, white outfits have been a staple for me this season. I just cannot get enough of it! Would it be appropriate if I were to call myself Snow White? LOL

When it comes to Sunday’s, I definitely like outfits that don’t require much effort and super comfortable. An outfit that could easily apply for a Sunday Funday or a Lazy Sunday. Kept this outfit super casual, but chic all at once. I had a massage scheduled that day and knew an all white outfit would fit the occasion.

The white top is to die for. Very comfortable and has a loose fit. I like the “New York City” graphic on this. It only makes me more excited for my trip to New York City in November! It will be my first time and better believe I will be taking this top with me.

I recently made a purchase that I had been eyeing for almost 3 months…literally eyeing. After much debate and testing to see whether this item was meant to be…I finally came to the conclusion it was meant to be part of my collection FOREVER! I’m in love with my new shades (obsessed). It was love at first sight! *No pun intended*

Aviator style with the Gucci color stripes across the front frame is what drew me the most. You hardly ever see a brand that reflects its own color scheme on the frame. With this idea, immediately you recognize the brand without needing to read the name or see the symbol. They did, however, incorporate the insect image which has been displayed on a lot of their handbags.

They are so special that I’ve only been wearing them on the weekends! haha It just kills me to know they would be sitting in my car or on my desk all day, Monday thru Friday. Dare to let your eyes do all the talking.

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