Erika Lily Castro

Catching Up

Hello Everyone!

Who else is shocked that April is almost over? That is crazy! What is even more crazy is that my last entry on my site was back in February.

So much has happened since, mostly a new career which is the reason why I haven’t been able to be as proactive with you all as I have wanted to be. My initial plan was to create more videos, but the reality of things is that at this moment I won’t have time to do so. It’s so much that I’ve even been slacking a bit these past few weeks on Instagram and this is so not me!

I recently had a wisdom tooth surgery…#3. I’m recovering well from that, but I will say that these new fillings have not been fun. I’m struggling more from that than the actual surgery itself. Ironic, right?

I’m working very hard this year to create a balance with work, health, friends/family, and blogging…as well as ME time. I need to make sure I’m at least touching each of these points every week or otherwise it will become chaotic for me. But most of all, I cannot forget this time to create some ME time. This is super important and I think most of us forget to do this. We easily get so caught up with everything around us that we end up placing ourselves last.

So, rest assured you will be seeing more of me on here. Writing is just more convenient for me right now than creating videos. Creating one video can take an hr to film, plus hours to edit, and extra time to upload. I would literally film on a Sunday and not upload the complete video until mid week. This is just the basics, so clearly I can’t fit this within my schedule right now.

Know that I haven’t forgotten about you all!

Much Love,

~ Erika

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