Erika Lily Castro

Paint It Black…and Gold!

No matter what trends develop over time or how many years go by, there is one thing for certain…Black & Gold will always kick A. As they say, “what are girls made of?” They are made of “sugar, spice, and everything nice.” For this outfit, I decided to throw away the sugar and keep the spice.

Now, almost every woman can agree that we all have a little bit of a “bad girl” side to us. Sometimes, I get in a mood of  just wanting to wear all black with a nice leather jacket, some boots, some dark shades, and ride in a badass motorcycle (if I actually knew how and owned one) towards the sunset. There is no light without a little bit of darkness. It’s outfits like these that make me feel like I just want to conquer the world.

Bring on the studs, leather, fur, gold plating and watch this girl walk to her own beat. Yea Yaaah! Only missing a nice, classic 66’/67′ Cherry Red Mustang and Watch Out!






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